Legendary LOCAS

The Ladies of Cowboy Action Shooting (LOCAS) are pleased to announce our very first “Legendary LOCAS Awards”! Thanks to the generous donation from Yule Lose! It was a great pleasure to honor these wonderful lady shooters that have gone before us. We admire and respect all of these ladies for their endless enthusiasm for the sport we all enjoy so much!
Your LOCAS Admins
Ruby Jewel, Katie Scarlett O'Hara, Kathouse Kelly, Scarlett Raine, Wynonna Earp, Dixie Dawn, Alberta Annie
The Nominee(s) should:
* Have longevity in SASS CAS. 15 years minimum.
* Welcome and assist new shooters as well as support and encourage fellow shooters and the youth of our sport.
* Give back to the sport by being active with local club(s), assisting the posse, assisting hosting clubs as needed and as able.
* Encourage and inspire friendly competition.
* Wear authentic and creative costuming.
* Respect our Flag and Country.
Legendary LOCAS Awards 2018
Here are your SASS 2018 Winter Range and EOT Legendary LOCAS Award recipients. Cat Ballou, Barbwire, and Justice Lilly Kate. Thank you, ladies, for leading the way!!!!!

This cowgirl is one of the original Trail Blazers for Ladies of Cowboy Action Shooting. She saw a need and became involved beyond the shooting, bringing her specific skills to the game to help develop and improve many aspects of the sport we all enjoy to this day!
She started in 1982 before the inception of SASS. She was quickly involved in the social and administrative facets of cowboy action shooting, scoring and editing a cowboy periodical. SASS was established and she played a key role in its evolution and also served as its director for a few years. She assisted with the creation of a new EOT scoring system. She was Editor of the Cowboy Chronicle keeping members connected through well-written articles and pertinent advertisements. She was and is an advocate for better SASS costuming. As the Costume Diva she has served as the SASS Costume Contest Committee Chairwoman, her motto being “It’s not how good you shoot, it’s how good you look.” She was inducted into the SASS Hall of Fame in 2006. She is a Regulator. She has “survived” 57 years of marriage to Tex! She is SASS #55 – the one, the only … CAT BALLOU!
This cowgirl has been involved with cowboy action shooting since 1984 and shooting since 1981. Her late husband headed up a local club in these parts known as the Cowtown Cowboy Shooters Association, one of the oldest cowboy clubs. In 2000, when life handed her lemons, this cowgirl’s new found cowboy friends helped her make lemonade. She vowed to keep that cowboy club alive. And to this day, that has done just that. Rising above the … not 1 but TWO floods gifted to her by Mother Nature in 2014, this cowgirl again reaping the loyalty and dedication she sowed, was helped by cowboys and cowgirls everywhere with labor, materials and monetary donations and rebuilt Cowtown TWICE to its present grandeur. She is and has been the President of Cowtown Cowboy Shooters Association. She is a Regulator. She is SASS #10179 BARBWIRE!
Shortly after this cowgirls intro to cowboy action shooting in 1996 she became extremely active in shooter related activities. She handled vendors, registration, side matches, helped build stages and set targets. Basically, she helped with whatever needed to be done. As an educator herself she has been the face of the SASS Scholarship Fund since its inception helping to raise funds to support young shooters as they pursue higher education. She also consistently seeks new and interesting ways to maintain and promote members’ attention to the SASS Scholarship Fund, which translates to contributions. She is deeply involved with the NRA and frequently contributes articles to The Cowboy Chronicle as well as other cowboy periodicals. She was inducted into the SASS Hall of Fame in 2013 and is a Regulator.